• government,  Health commentary,  Political commentary

    Government of National Unity (GNU) … illusion or reality?

    The May 29th 2024 election delivered a parliament for the first time in the 30 years since 1994 in which no single party had a majority. During the past 30 years the African National Congress (ANC) had a significant majority at both national and provincial level with the exception of the Western Cape province where since 2009 the opposition Democratic Alliance had a majority which was maintained in the 2024 election. Clearly after the 2024 election the ANC which was the largest party with just over 40% of the votes had to seek coalition partners. After tough negotiations a coalition was formed with the Democratic Alliance as the second largest…

  • Health commentary,  Political commentary

    Politicians, policies, plans and their promises

    Recently the South African President has extolled the virtues and achievements of the political party that he leads. This is totally understandable since as the leader he faces an election in 2024 which according to analysts could be the closest since the first democratic election in 1994 when the ANC assumed power. There have undoubtedly been achievements and the President focused on these including the fact that many indigent South Africans now receive a social grant that eases the poverty with which they grapple daily. In the public health sector, of which I have first-hand experience, there have been significant achievements for example the introduction of a comprehensive national immunisation…

  • Health commentary

    When is enough, enough?

    As a health professional and health manager, it is understandable that most of what I write about is health related. But I am also a citizen of this country and live some of the realities that South Africans experience, albeit not fully experiencing what my less fortunate fellow South Africans experience. For this reason I reflect here, accepting that I am a privileged citizen of this country, on the general state in which South Africans find themselves. Whilst the abolition of apartheid removed discrimination on the basis of race, we are still a country divided along racial lines between those who have and those who have not. South Africans are…