• Health Commentary

    Quality … the Holy Grail often sought but never found?

    I have just finished reading “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” for, I think, the third or fourth time. The book, subtitled, “An Inquiry into Values”, has little to do the motorcycle maintenance other than in an allegorical sense but rather explores the journey of the author Robert Pirsig in pursuit of understanding the meaning of “Quality” against the background of a two week motorcycle trip across America from Minneapolis to San Francisco. The author of this unique book and best seller over the last forty years was committed to a mental institution earlier in his life, probably with a form of catatonic schizophrenia and subjected to electro-convulsive therapy…

  • Health commentary

    Leadership or management … the challenge of making decisions

    I have been reflecting on the challenges President Ramaphosa faces in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and his struggle to match the need to consult widely and the need to take decisive decisions that have and will affect the lives of so many. Leadership, irrespective of position, requires the ability to motivate people and take an organisation in a given direction possibly different from that which it had previously taken. Management on the other hand involves systems and processes that allows an organisation to function efficiently and achieve its goals and objectives. Both expect those involved to act in an ethical and honest manner. This lead me to think about…

  • Health Commentary

    COVID-19 and Corruption

    On 23rd July 2020 I wrote an unknowingly prophetic piece on the Cancer of Corruption in Health. In that I used examples of corruption in the health sector that I had encountered in the past. In doing so, I had no idea that the cancer that I had described and which I concluded could be excised by good and honest leadership had progressed to such an advanced stage in South African society. At a time of crisis, with the country threatened on many fronts by an unprecedented pandemic, one would have assumed that even the most hardened criminal would have hesitated to steal the scarce resources needed to save the…