• Health commentary

    The dilemma of unemployed doctors in South Africa

    Currently there are according to reports several hundred unemployed young doctors in South Africa, a country that according to recommended doctor to population ratios requires more and not less doctors. It has been previously reported that some amongst other categories of health professionals are similarly finding it difficult to find employment in the South African public service leading to some even emigrating from this country to find work elsewhere. This situation has been attributed to the shortfall in funding for public health services. The current financial crisis in government departments largely results from a wage agreement with organised labour that increased the salaries of all public servants by 7%. These…

  • Decisons,  Health commentary,  Health management

    Facing budget shortfalls in the South African public health sector

    In 2023 in my health blog I described the budget shortfalls facing most South African government departments. From my perspective the most pressing consequences of these shortfalls are those affecting provincial health departments. Recent developments including an open letter addressed to the Minister of Finance from health professionals in the Western Cape have again highlighted this issue. Many provincial health departments in South Africa have a history of what are euphemistically termed “accruals”, which stated otherwise is an inability to settle outstanding accounts within either the required 30 days or even a financial year. These departments have in the past been unable to remain within their approved budgets. An implication of “accruals” is…