• Political commentary

    Elected politicians and appointed public servants … at times a fraught relationship!

    Mr Dominic Raab, the United Kingdom Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Justice resigned recently.  The reasons for his resignation highlight the at times fraught relationship between an elected politician and appointed public (civil) servants. Mr Raab was alleged to have bullied and humiliated officials in various ministries. Bullying was defined for the purpose of this inquiry as follows: (1) Offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour; or (2) Abuse or misuse of power in ways that undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient . The inquiry, conducted by a senior British advocate, Adam Tolley KC, tested the allegations against the 2019 version of what in the United Kingdom…

  • Health commentary,  Political commentary

    Politics, policy and implementation … there is a vast difference!

    President Ramaphosa speaking at the 5th South African Investment Conference on 13th April 2023 made the following statements; “We are now confronted with the consequences of years of under-investment, mismanagement and corruption in our electricity, rail and logistics sector.” and that, “We are on a long journey to rebuild our country and recover ground we have lost. Our recovery is a mission and will take time to accomplish”. He continued that, “The lack of reliability in electricity supply weakens business and consumer confidence, taints international perceptions about our country and affects investment sentiment and decisions” concluding that, “If the focus of our struggle for liberation to end apartheid and achieve political freedom, the focus of our efforts must be to address inequality…

  • Health commentary,  Health management

    Some thoughts on health service management

    I am often asked what are the requirements to manage public health services or a public health facility? What qualifications are ideal? Is a health background essential? What about a health related MBA? I wrote on this topic in a post dated 21st December 2021 and if these are questions that still entertain you that post is worth another read. Previously my recommendations in that post were: Time spent in the health services either as a health professional or employed in another capacity within the health services is essential. Particularly, if one is not a health professional a postgraduate qualification in public health to provide an understanding of the field…

  • Health commentary

    Hospitals are key to an effective health service

    Having recently been a patient requiring major surgery in a hospital, I have reflected on the vital nature of a fully functional hospital to the integrity of a health service. Despite spending half my professional life as a clinician working in a hospital, being a patient requiring complex care without which I may not have been here today to write this, provided me with another perspective. Hospitals, be they in the public or private health sector, are complex organisations focused on, and vital to the well being of the patients admitted to their wards. Hospitals are essential to provide a range of services that cannot be provided elsewhere which is…