• Decisons,  Political commentary

    J Robert Oppenheimer, decisions and consequences with which we live!

    I was reminded recently of my connections with Princeton and indirectly The Institute for Advanced Study when watching the 2023 film Oppenheimer, a cinematographic biography of J Robert Oppenheimer. I was born in October 1948, by chance in the United States when my parents were living in Princeton New Jersey and where my father, a mathematician, was a fellow for two years at The Institute for Advanced Study. J Robert Oppenheimer was the theoretical physicist who headed the Los Alamos Laboratory of the Manhattan Project that culminated in the detonation of the first atom bomb in 1945 in New Mexico and subsequently the atomic bombs dropped on the cities of Hiroshima…

  • Health commentary

    Decisions and Decision Points … the challenge of leadership

    Now in my 73rd year, I have the benefit of looking back on decisions that affected the direction of my life. As a schoolboy, I was attracted to the law but a strong dislike of Latin, then a requirement to study law, lead me to enrol as a medical student. Many years later with a successful career as a paediatrician in academia, the politics of South Africa lead me to change direction and move into health management after 1994. Twenty years later, I ended my management career, retiring as the Head of the Western Cape Department of Health. An unplanned course but as the title of my valedictory address delivered…